How To Use Crystals

How To Use Crystals

“Crystals amplify the consciousness”

At Conscious Vibes Crystals, we believe that there is no right or wrong way to use crystals. Each person has their own unique approach when it comes to harnessing their energy, and it ultimately boils down to personal preference. However, there are a few practices that can help you get the most out of your crystals.
First and foremost, regular cleansing is essential. Crystals have the ability to absorb and store energy, and over time, they can become overwhelmed or imbalanced. To cleanse your crystals, there are several methods you can use. Burning sage or palo santo and using the smoke to cleanse the crystals is a common practice. Another option is to place them under the moonlight, which is believed to clear them of any negative energy. Utilizing a cleansing crystal like Selenite or burying them underground for 24 hours are also effective ways to cleanse your precious stones.
Once your crystals are cleansed, it's important to charge them with the energy of your choosing. Charging allows you to infuse your intentions into the crystals, amplifying their power. There are various methods for charging your crystals, such as exposing them to sunlight (if they are safe to do so) or moonlight. The natural energy of a flowing water source, like a stream or river bank, can also be harnessed to charge your crystals, although it's crucial to ensure you don't accidentally lose them, also be cautious and ensure your crystals are compatible with water before using this method. Another method is through visualization during meditation, where you can direct your intentions and energy into the crystals.
Now that your crystals are cleansed and charged, you're ready to embark on your crystal journey. Here are a few examples of how you can utilize them:
1. Placing them under your pillow while you sleep allows their energy to work on a subconscious level, promoting relaxation, vivid dreams, or enhanced spiritual experiences.
2. Carrying them in your pocket throughout the day keeps their energy close to you, offering support, balance, or protection, depending on the properties of the crystals.
3. Holding them during meditation creates a deeper connection between you and the crystal, allowing their energy to align with yours and facilitate healing, clarity, or insight.
4. Adding water-safe crystals to your bath infuses the water with their energy, creating a soothing and rejuvenating experience that can support emotional healing, self-care, or relaxation.
5. Placing crystals strategically around your home can fill your home with the energy you desire.

If you have any questions about how to use your crystals or would like some crystal advice, feel free to contact us and we will be more than happy to assist you.