The Best Full Moon Crystals

A full moon is the perfect time to work with your crystals. The full moon is when the moon's spiritual energy is at its pinnacle.  Its a time for reflection of the time that has passed since the new moon, and to get rid of anything that no longer serves you, to leave you feeling light and ready to carry on with love and positivity. You can use whatever crystals you feel like using, however, there are a few crystals which I would recommend for using during the full moon.

As a full moon is the perfect time for reflection, the first crystal I think is ideal for using during a full moon can assist you with this process. Aquamarine is an amazing crystal for self-healing. It can help you to feel calm and peaceful by relieve any stress, this in turn, can allow you to concentrate fully on reflection. By reflecting on things that don't work well for you or no longer serve you (like negative thinking patterns) you can make the decision to let go of those and self-heal.

The next crystal is full of moon energy and is named after the Greek goddess 'Selene' who is the goddess of the moon. Selenite is a visually stunning crystal. It is a cleansing crystal, it can cleanse the energy of any room it is in and it can cleanse your crystals. Furthermore, the energy from selenite can help bring you to a higher state of consciousness during meditation. Meditation can be a valuable tool as part of a full moon ritual, it can help bring you enlightenment, especially when using selenite, allowing you to realise if you are on the right path.

Amethyst is a crystal with many talents. It can bring you peace and balance as well as enhancing psychic abilities. Despite these amazing attributes, the reason I think amethyst is one of the best crystals to use during a full moon is its abilities to protect against negative influences. When it has been charged in the full moon, it's protection will be amplified. The charged amethyst will then carry on protecting you when you as you leave behind what no longer serves you, and continue on with positivity.

Moonstone is a wonderful crystal. It can help energize the mind, giving you inspiration, whilst promoting inner healing. This is exactly what you want to achieve during a full moon. You want to heal and leave behind the negativity, and move on your journey with hope energy and positivity for the journey ahead.

It is important, after reflecting and deciding on what you are leaving behind, that you charge your crystals in the light of the full moon. To do this you can leave them outside, although if you are using selenite do not leave it out if it is likely to rain, or simply place them at window where they will be exposed to the moonlight.

Thank you for reading and I hope the full moon brings you everything you hope for!


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