How To Choose The Right Crystal

There are so many beautiful crystals available to purchase, but how do you know how to choose the right one for you?

Intuition is such an important factor when it comes to choosing your crystals and deciding how to use them. You have to trust your instincts. If you are drawn to a particular crystal, then that will be the best one to give you the energy you need on that particular day. For example, one day I may feel drawn to use my rose quartz, as I'm feeling particularly down about myself that day, it is the perfect crystal to help me feel loved and remind me of all the reasons I have to love myself. I also may feel like just lying down in a comfortable position, and just holding the crystal to my heart, for no other reason than that's what I feel like doing. I might not feel the healing effects instantly, but later that day maybe the negative thoughts wont come as often, and the next day when I get up, I feel a bit more positive about myself. It's important for you to find what works best for you when working with crystals, trust your intuition!

Intuition is also important when buying crystals. You may find that when browsing through crystals that a particular one catches your eye, you feel instantly drawn to it - that's your crystal! If you need further confirmation that that's the one for you, then read about the crystal and what it is good for. Every word will resonate with you as that's the energy you have been looking for, whether you knew it or not, you know that particular crystal was always meant to be yours.


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