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Top 5 Crystals For Anxiety

 If you suffer from anxiety, it will likely affect most aspects of your life, causing you to feel isolated and alone.  However you are not alone.  As many as 1 in 13 people across the world suffer from anxiety.  Anxiety causes symptoms such as restlessness, unable to concentrate, irritability, fatigue and constant worry.  If you are feeling this way it is best to speak to a doctor, however there are some holistic methods, such as crystals, which can help along side medical help.  To discover the 5 best crystals for anxiety and tips on how to use them, keep reading!

The 5 best crystals to help anxiety are known for their calming effects which can help alleviate the symptoms of anxiety.


Amethyst has a lovely soothing energy which can help battle insomnia.  By placing an amethyst under your pillow or on your bedside table, it will help you to get a much needed restful nights sleep, free from nightmares.

This beautiful purple crystal will also help to calm your mind.  It will stop racing thoughts and help you to remain calm and think logically without panic.


Tigers eye is a great source of strength. It will keep you calm and give your courage in times when you feel unsure of yourself and anxious. In my opinion, it is one of the best crystals for anxiety.  Tigers eye will also protect you from negativity, which may trigger your anxiety, and help you to feel more confident, self-assured and ready to take on the world.


Sodalite promotes feelings of serenity, helping to calm racing thoughts and promoting rational thinking. It can help to stop feelings of panic as it makes you feel calm and balanced in stressful situations where your anxiety would normally make you feel out of control. Sodalite will also increase confidence and self-esteem and stop any negative thoughts about yourself, which can often cause the symptoms of anxiety to worsen.  The energy of Sodalite will also help you to communicate how you are feeling more effectively.  When you suffer from anxiety, talking about it can seem like the scariest thing in the world.  It can also be difficult to describe exactly how you feel.  Sodalite can help with this, allowing you to talk freely and without fear, and more often that not, talking about how we feel really helps.


Much like the previous crystals in the list, White Howlite is a calming stone. It can help ease an overactive mind to bring you an immense sense of peace. This new found peace will also help you to get a restful nights sleep. The peaceful energy from White Howlite will also help to ease irritability.  When suffering from anxiety, you may feel tense and on edge a lot of the time.  This can then cause you to snap when you feel annoyance.  White Howlite helps by calming you to the point where you don't snap at things you normally would have when feeling tense.


Rose Quartz is the stone for unconditional love. It has a soothing energy which will make you feel comforted and safe, which is particularly helpful when you feel isolated due to anxiety.  Rose Quartz can help you feel loved and show love to yourself, allowing you to treat yourself with the kindness and care you deserve. It can also repel negativity helping you to feel hopeful and more positive.

The best way to use these crystals for anxiety is to regularly meditate with them.  Meditation alone is great for anxiety as it can help you feel relaxed and alleviate feelings of stress and panic.  By meditating with these crystals, your meditation will be deeper and strengthened by the energy from the crystals.  Furthermore, the crystals will be filled with the intention of calm, making them more effective.  Meditation can seem difficult if you have never tried it before.  To help I would suggest looking up a guided meditation for anxiety on YouTube.

You can also use these crystals by placing them on your bedside table at night, carrying them in your pocket or wearing them as jewellery

I hope this advice helps,  if you have any questions about crystals for anxiety, please send an email and we will help in any way we can :)